[PY] apply map applymap

C. Tan
1 min readApr 2, 2022

Yet another thing that confuses me

Taken from stackoverflow

Application is probably the most important difference to note:

  • map : mapping values from one domain to another, so is optimised for performance (e.g., df['A'].map({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}))
  • applymap : elementwise transformations across multiple rows/columns (e.g., df[['A', 'B', 'C']].applymap(str.strip))
  • apply : applying any function that cannot be vectorised (e.g., df['sentences'].apply(nltk.sent_tokenize))

The use of apply is generally very slow, and should not be used if there are already ‘pre-processing’ functions for whatever you want to do. For example, strip() or lower().

In short, these are vectorised functions you don’t want to be using apply on:

  1. Series.str.split() Splits each element in the Series
  2. Series.str.strip() Strips whitespace from each string in the Series.
  3. Series.str.lower() Converts strings in the Series to lowercase.
  4. Series.str.upper() Converts strings in the Series to uppercase.
  5. Series.str.get() Retrieves the i-th element of each element in the Series.
  6. Series.str.replace() Replaces a regex or string in the Series with another string
  7. Series.str.cat() Concatenates strings in a Series.
  8. Series.str.extract() Extracts substrings from the Series matching a regex pattern.

